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__DATE__                           Compile time date (macro)
__FILE__                           Compile time file name (macro)
__LINE__                           Compile time line number (macro)
__TIME__                           Compile time time of day (macro)
_add_lf                            Add lf after received cr
_alarm_on                          Enable alarms
_answerback_str                    String sent when ENQ received
_asc_rcrtrans - _asc_striph        ASCII transfer control
_auto_ans_str                      String to make modem answer phone
_back_color                        Background screen color
_capture_fname                     Default capture file filename
_cisb_auto                         Enable Compuserve Quick B transfers
_connect_str                       String modem sends when connecting
_date_format                       Control format of date strings
_dial_pause                        Time to pause between dial attempts
_dial_time                         Time to wait for a connection
_dialpost                          String to send after a number
_dialpref                          Strings to send before a number
_dir_prog                          Disk directory program name
_disp_free                         Control display of free disk space
_down_dir                          Default download directory name
_editor                            Editor program name
_entry_enum                        Dial directory number
_entry_name                        Name of current connection
_entry_num                         Phone number of current connection
_entry_pass                        Password for current connection
_ext_filespec                      Filespec to upload
_fore_color                        Foreground screen color
_image_file                        File name for screen image dump
_local_echo                        Enable local echo of characters
_mdm_hang                          String to send to hang up
_mdm_init_str                      String to initialize modem
_no_connect <n>                    Strings to indicate no connection
_qdbar_on                          Enable quick dialing bar
_redial_stop                       String to stop a redial
_scr_chk_key                       Enable checking for user aborts
_script_dir                        Directory for script files
_sound_on                          Enable sound
_strip_high                        Enable stripping high bit
_swap_bs                           Control what <backspace> sends
_telix_dir                         Path to Telix's base directory
_time_format                       Control format of time strings
_up_dir                            Default upload directory name
_usage_fname                       Default usage log file name
_zmod_auto                         Enable Zmodem auto downloads
_zmod_rcrash                       Enable Zmodem rec. crash recovery
_zmod_scrash                       Enable Zmodem send crash recovery

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson